A Black and White Theme made by A-Jey Ebora & Ryan Joshua Yaco
from Samsung Galaxy Y (S5360) - Philippines Group

  • Just install it ;)
  • Deodexed DXLF1 Firmware is needed
  • ClockworkMod Recovery
  • Rooted  

Screenshots: Click Here

  1. Download the zzzzzzzzzzzzzBlackAndWhite.zip and Put it in your SD Card
  2. Download the zzzzzzzzzzzzzBootAnimation.zip and Put it also on your SD Card
  3. Now Turn off your phone and Go to ClockWorkMod Recovery
  4. Go to Mounts and Storage > Mount /system
  5. Advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache (you can skip it if you want)
  6. Go to Install zip from SD Card > Choose zip from SD Card > Choose the zzzzzzzzzzzzzBlackAndWhite.zip from the list
  7. Choose Yes
  8. After flashing, go to Advanced > Reboot Recovery
  9. Now go again to ClockWorkMod Recovery
  10. Mount /system
  11. Go to Install zip from SD Card > Choose zip from SD Card > Choose the zzzzzzzzzzzzzBootAnimation.zip
  12. After that choose Reboot System Now.
  13. Enjoy the Theme :)
  • d3cka
  • lidroid
  • dcsms
  • Hyperion
  • Johnchris Delacruz
  • Gabriel Castro
  • Pol Lube
  • Elloizius Marcelo
  • John Jayson Pascua
  • Mac Moon
  • Ernest Glenn Villanueva
  • John Paolo Desuasido 
  • Ryan Joshua Yaco
  • A-Jey Ebora
  • George San Jose
  • XDA
  • Potato Inc
  • If I miss someone PM me so that I can add you here :)
Source: http://www.facebook.com/groups/SGYoung.ph/doc/550925791636466/

The Official Source is on a Group on Facebook. It cannot be posted on XDA Developers due to .......

So please do not spam the board.

-Theme Developer.

Note #2:
The BlacK&Wh!te Theme by mariozawa and this theme are not the same.

Paolo (Author)
About The Author:

Paolo is another author of GalaxyYArchive Blog. He is a Filipino and loves to install modifications on his phone to share it to other Samsung Galaxy Y Users.
Paolo is on: Facebook | Google+

