Quite a few people were excited about the GYA ROM and kept sending comments on any vid they choose about it aswell as e-mails and once the word about one coming out and after seeing it (barely half done) in action on a few videos, it got even bigger.
Progress and information then stopped coming for quite some time and I am now making this post to explain the reasons and think of possible solutions to finish this.

I absolutely have no time lately to do anything with improving this rom, not even replacing a background image and testing because of the time a few of my other projects need aswell as real life issues, it gets too much. John Paolo Desuasiado aswell won't have the time to make a fabulous rom in such a short time all by himself, it requires a few more people to make something really good.

For this I am making an offer to whoever wants to make a decent rom out of this to try and contribute (if you have free time of course) and have this rom finished for the fans to enjoy.

The requirements are simple, to understand what some system files are used for, how to modify certain things in them to have visual changes of the system's UI, etc.

If you wish to contribute you can contact us by simply leaving a comment here, on the YouTube video or best, send an e-mail where you have all the free text space you need:



  1. Can you give the link to download the rom in your galaxy y? Please.....

  2. Mitko, can't you just finished the rom? We or I am willing to wait for it. Just as long as you or other authors of this site will do it because it is not a GYA Rom if you're not the one whose going to finish it.

  3. I am ready to help

    im a developer but i only develop personal roms..i.e i dont post it online
    so i can help u out with the rom :)

  4. Абдулл ГаджимамедовJune 1, 2013 at 3:26 AM

    how to make a status bar

  5. Абдулл ГаджимамедовJune 1, 2013 at 3:27 AM

    how to make a status bar?

  6. hey there,
    some of my suggestions and mods for the GYA ROM


    please put some nice status bar icons .. not the ugly ones like those in creeds 4 it really looks aweful in small phone like Samsung Galaxy Y .. i liked the launcher .. and for the lock screen please include the Sliding Tab with custom wallpapers , some of the ROMS does not let us change the wallpaper instead it uses a transparent page with tabs on them .. and can you please include the 'Theme Chooser' for this rom to ??

    I am desperately waiting for the ERROR and BUG free ROM as other contains some.

    if you have read this can you please reply PLEASE i would be very thankful to you guys . on the long run i will provide some suggestions too .. and it would be appreciated if you keep uploading the PROGRESS on GYA ROM.


  7. the notification panel is good brother ;) is hard to judge by looking here at youtube as its not that close view .. dont make it transparent or semi transparent u cant make it like its in creed's 3.5 its a good one .. so far so good ..keep posting the progress :)

  8. nice!! cant wait ..tnx :)

  9. please finissshhh !!!!!!!!!

  10. hey dude im filipino like john paolo ; Im your fans both of your works like jelly blastv3, Nemisis One and Nemesis Titanium i have in my galaxy Y- I request PLSSSSSSSSSSS dude finish that GYA rom im so exited

  11. Thanks, the above roms are not my work though. As for this rom, I just don't have time to finish it off by myself.

  12. Ok ill waiting i SUGGEST after that rom i wish xda dev make a custom partner of gya rom called gya kernel

  13. how to get this rom ?
    Can you give the link to download the rom in your galaxy y ? Please...
    i need..

  14. hahha ang ganda ng jellyblastv3 dang bilis

