Great news! DISQUS comment system has been implemented to the blog.
The old one was getting kind of... old. You can now rate comments up/down, you can still reply to them etc.

I am now going to show a quick setup guide for newbies.

So to begin, view a post, then scroll down where the comment field is and you should see this:
So a good idea would be to connect your Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or DISQUS profile with it, so that you can be aware of notifications.

Choose which one you would like to connect and it would ask for permission:
And so after you do that and comment on a post for example asking a question, and I or anyone else replies to you:
The next time you load a post and see the comment field, there should be a notification:
Click on the notification and it will bring you to this screen:
Then just click there and it will bring you to the reply to your comment. It's simple.


  1. verry nice coz im shy

  2. dude u shud have used this long time ago.
    i think being a professional blogger u shud have known this
    anyways good u started using it

    my sample blog(:D just spent 10days on it)

